Mastership Lasers in Dentistry
1 year specialization course Mastership in Laser Dentistry
Service Description
This offer stands for dentists/specialists and dental hygienists who would like to specialize in certain wavelengths. Over the course of one year, participants are taught fundamental physical and technical knowledge and how to recognize primary, secondary, and tertiary indications on ten attendance days split into 4 modules held over 2 educational blocks (see below). This program concludes with official certificates of AALZ and Dental Laser Institute. This post-graduate Mastership programme is aimed at dentists who want to keep pace with their patients ́ wishes for innovative and gentle treatment methods. Dental laser technology and treatment concerns are typically not taught in standard academic studies in dentistry. Therefore, this program teaches the necessary professional knowledge for laser applications in dental practice taught at the highest academic level in theoretical lectures and practical hands-on teaching for two selected wavelength areas – dental diode lasers (different wavelengths and types) and dental erbium lasers (Er:YAG, Er,Cr:YSGG). Relevant theories and application options pertaining to laser use in dentistry are taught for those wavelengths. Participants obtain sound theoretical knowledge in lectures and seminars led by renowned, competent and experienced international scientists and practitioners. Skill-training sessions, exercises, practical applications, and hands-on practical along modules guide participants towards using lasers successfully and professionally in their own treatments. NL Dit aanbod staat voor tandartsen/specialisten en (geregistreerd)mondhygiënisten die zichwillen specialiseren in bepaalde golflengten. In de loop van één jaar leren de deelnemers fundamentele fysieke en technische kennis en hoe ze primaire, secundaire en tertiaire indicaties kunnen herkennen binnen tien aanwezigheidsdagen, verdeeld over 4 modulesover 2 educatieve blokken (zie hieronder). Dit programma wordt afgesloten met officiële certificaten van AALZ en Dental Laser Institute. Dit postdoctorale Mastership-programma is bedoeld voor mondzorgprofessionals die denieuwste en meest innovatieve vorm van tandheelkunde willen bedrijven. Tandheelkundige lasertechnologie en behandelingsproblemen worden doorgaans nietonderwezen in standaard academische studies in de tandheelkunde. Daarom levert dit programma de nodige professionele kennis voor lasertoepassingen in de tandartspraktijk, gegeven op het hoogste academische niveau in theoretische lezin

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